Language:中文 | English
  • 2014

    COPT was established

  • 2019

    Ningbo 20,000 square meter factory was set up.

  • 2020

    Awarded IATF16949 certification
    Entered the General Motors global supply system.

  • 2021

    Obtained Environmental Management System & Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification

  • 2022

    Entered the Mercedes supply system
    Obtained GRS Certification
    Esttablished a post-doctoral workstation

  • 2023

    Laboratory approved by CNAS
    Entered the Volvo supply system

  • 2024

    New R&D and office building completed


24/7 customer service hotline
108 Dongpu Road, Chengdong Industrial Zone, Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province